my name is Sam Pena I would like to say thank you for stopping
by to visit my web page.
I have 20 years of Pest control technology and hands on
experience. I have worked with some of the best pest control
operations in the country, and have met with various leaders
in the pest control industry.
I have been an assistant branch manager and received
numerous awards for Top Performance in leadership, and
I was a key commercial and industrial pest control technician.
I have received AIB inspection consultation for large
industrial Food processing facilities.
I have been trained in IPM (integrated pest management
procedures) used in schools, hospitals, hotels, motels,
resturants, ect..
I am also currently a member of the US Air Force Reserves
stationed at Travis Air Force Base, California, with the
349th AMXS Air Mobility Command, I am a C-5 Aircraft Mechanic
when I am performing my weekend duty obligations.
I have served both in the capacity of Active Duty and
Reservist and I have defended our nation during times
of war and peace for 27 years.